Figuring Life Out in Our 40s

Life is hard…in all stages! There’s so much to do in a day…not in any particular order: get in your 10,000+ steps, drink your water, say your prayers, figure out what’s for dinner(again), get 8 hours of sleep, close your rings, achieve your goals, get in your protein, read your book, make sure the kids get their homework done, feed the sourdough, pursue your spouse, feed the pets, bathe, make sure the food you are eating is “clean”, don’t let your kids consume anything unhealthy, organize the house, do loads of laundry, be an Uber driver for your teens, run to the store for that thing you forgot, check on your parents, check in with your friends that you forgot to text back(again), attend your kid’s activities, focus on your mental health…oh yeah and don’t forget to go to work so you have money to get the bills paid! All this, in just one day!

Life comes at us fast and furious, we find out all too soon how quickly the years go by. Suddenly you find yourself in your 40s, your kids are taller than you, starting to plan their own lives, and you’re scratching your head wondering how all this happened so fast. You’re also thinking you thought you’d have it all together by now and know all the answers…but you don’t! We try…we try to get it all together and figure it all out, but life will inevitably throw you a curve ball. We get information coming at us from all directions and try to learn and do as much as we can. But how do we know what will work and what won’t? It’s hard, all of it!

It’s starting to feel like my husband and I are figuring out some things that work for us! I mean, it’s about time…we are in our 40s! Finally, we are on the right track with our health(physical and mental). We are learning things that work in our marriage…and things that don’t. Parenting is hard in all stages…we are still figuring all that out 17 years later. We are finally finding “things” in life that WORK for us. 

It’s occurred to me in recent months, that friends have started to come to me seeking advice. What are you doing to lose weight? What workouts do you do? What foods do you eat? How much protein should I be getting? Where should we go for a weekend away? Where are some great places for vacation? We are having troubles, who was your counselor? What would you do if your kid did this? What would you do if your spouse did that? My marriage is in trouble, what should I do? Hold on…you’re asking ME? You want to know MY advice? I’m NO expert! What does MY opinion matter? But then I realized wait…I do have a lot of life experiences…I know some things about some things, and you know what…some of these things are actually working for me! Some of these things I have figured out. So here I am…why not share the things that are working? Why not share what we are figuring out…and help others get them figured out?

I want to create a place where I can share what is working for me and my family. Anything in life from health, recipes, marriage advice, travel advice…or just life in general. So if you’re trying to figure it all out too, maybe this will help! Maybe just maybe…what is finally working for us might just work for you too!

Romans 15:4: “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us”