Now is a Great Time to Give Up!

Lent begins on Wednesday, March 5th, and will continue until April 17th. It lasts for 40 days, representing the days that Jesus spent praying and fasting in the desert. It’s a time for Christians to reflect on Christ’s life, suffering, and death. During the time of Lent, it is encouraged to symbolically “give up” something to represent Jesus’ sacrifice. There are many traditional things to give up, such as caffeine, sweets, or meat. But maybe, it would be a great time to think of something you might want to give up permanently. Something that is not contributing to your life wellness. Something that you have been meaning to give up, but just haven’t. 40 days is plenty of time to create healthy habits!

Here are some things in life that you may want to give up for this Lent season…or maybe even permanently:

Clutter-Give up something every day…like seriously, give it away or throw it away. Think about that closet you’ve been meaning to clean out, that junk drawer that won’t close, the clothes that no longer fit or that you no longer wear, or the garage that you can’t park a car in. Start clearing the clutter! If you “give up” one thing each day during Lent, that is 40 things gone. Once you start clearing the clutter, you might find you want to clear more than 40 items. 

Worries- If you are like me, you worry about things all the time. Even things that I can’t change…I think I worry enough for everyone in my house. I overthink and worry about a lot of things unnecessarily. During Lent, give-up worrying about the things you can’t change and pray about it instead. 40 days of praying instead of worrying may lead to reducing stress and worry in your life. Let it go and give it to God!

Bitterness and Unforgiveness-if you’ve been holding a grudge now is the perfect time to give it up and forgive! Forgiveness is more for yourself than the other person anyway, and it’s more stressful than you think to hold on to that anger and bitterness. Give up the bitterness you’re feeling in your heart and forgive…it feels so much better!

Social Media-Do you find that social media is taking valuable time away from you? It can be a major time waster, and can even leave you feeling anxious. Give it up for 40 days and see how you feel. If you don’t think you can give it up completely…maybe set a timer for yourself and only allow yourself to be on social media for a set amount of time each day. I’ve actually stopped looking at my phone before I go to sleep at night. I found on the nights that I was on social media before I went to sleep, I struggled to fall asleep or it made me have weird dreams. On nights that I choose to read a book before sleep, I feel much more relaxed and less anxious. 

Complaining-Let’s be honest, no one likes a complainer! We all complain sometimes, but do we really need to? It just brings so much negativity to all situations. During Lent, maybe make yourself find something nice to say every time you feel yourself wanting to complain. Instead of a Negative Nancy, you might just become a Positive Patty after 40 days!

Hitting Snooze-I used to be a snoozer….like several times each morning! A few years ago, I was able to break this habit during Lent! It really does feel much better to just get up and get your day going. Give up your snooze button and get out of bed!

Ultra-processed and sugary foods-Lent is a fabulous time to give up processed foods. These foods are making you sick! Give them up and find healthier alternatives. You’ll be amazed at how great you feel after 40 days. You’ll feel so good that you won’t want to go back to those old favorites. 

High-Calorie Drinks-Water keeps you hydrated and makes you feel amazing. Try to cut back or give up on drinks that are high in sugar, calories, and chemicals and turn to water for 40 days. 

Over-spending-Now is a great time to give up on your over-spending. Use this time during Lent, to save money or give money to a good cause rather than buying yourself things that you truly don’t need. 

Staying up Late-Sleep and rest is so important for your body. During Lent, set yourself an early bedtime and abide by it. Your body will appreciate the much-needed sleep. 

Snacking-Healthy snacking is important and your body needs that throughout the day…I’m talking about Oreos, Ding Dongs, and Pringles. Give up those unhealthy snacks and fuel your body with protein, fruits, and veggies!

Drive-thru’s-Ditch the drive-thru for the next 40 days and cook your meals at home. Yes, it takes work and planning…but you’ll more than likely save money. Your body will be happy to have home-cooked meals instead of fast food. 

Exercise-No, I don’t mean give up on exercising…I mean give up on your excuses for NOT exercising. Make yourself exercise for the next 40 days, no excuses! Build some muscles and strength…maybe even drop some pounds. Exercise does wonders for your mental health too!

Negative thoughts and ugly words to yourself-This has to stop! Be kind and loving to yourself. Every time over the next 40 days that you want to put yourself down or think that you aren’t good enough, make yourself see the good. You are amazing and you need to start talking to yourself that way! Give up those ugly words and thoughts about yourself and compliment yourself. Build your self-confidence and self-love for the next 40 days. 

Busyness-Give up the “busy”. We are all always so busy! Take some time to slow down and be present for your loved ones. Busy isn’t really that cool anymore…it’s way more cool to be “un”busy!

I hope that these suggestions can help navigate the way to better life wellness. I hope that you can find something to “give up” on during Lent…and maybe even give it up for good!

Mark 1:12-13-At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness, and he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him.

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